3333) I am constantly reading, and perhaps this has helped me become a better writer. I don’t know about the latter, but the former is certainly true. Recently, I read a survey that was conducted, asking people what they think the purpose of life is. The vast majority said they wanted to be happy and have a family that is happy. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting your family and even yourself to be happy, but when this is the sole aspiration someone has for this life; I wonder specifically how this shows up in their lives, priorities, actions and words.
If all I am here on this earth for is being happy, I will pursue whatever makes me feel good (or helps me avoid bad). I will base my decisions on what will bring happiness, thinking this will give me peace and contentment.
If all I am here on this earth for is being happy, I will avoid the difficult things. I would consider anything that brings conflict, or doesn’t feel right in the moment as a “wrong move” to take in life. I would miss out on so much God has for me.
Paul tells us in Titus 3:3 he is no longer enslaved or controlled by pleasures. At this point in his life, Paul knew difficulties bring us the opportunity to depend on God. They can strengthen us and create a person who is empathetic, helpful and understanding. Paul knew we are on this earth to make a positive difference to others and God and if all we’re doing is pursuing happiness or pleasure, we are not fulfilling what God created us to do and be.
All good and perfect gifts come from God (James 1:17). Rejoice in these gifts while remembering we are to be good stewards of all he has given us.