

1185) I could never be a lifeguard. I have been afraid for many years of witnessing someone drowning. If I see someone in the water and it seems as if too much time has passed and they are still under water, my heart rate goes up and I break out into a sweat. My body is truly not a comfortable place to be in these moments.

Sometimes, when we are afraid of something, it can color our view concerning anything even related to that monster in our hearts. This is too bad because there is much to be learned.

In my case, the fear of witnessing someone drowning might prevent me from a careful consideration of our verse today. If, however, I can recognize this fear, I can learn to sit with it–let it resonate within–and then be able to process other aspects.

In Micah 7:19, God promises to throw my sins into the depths of the sea. Even in my discomfort, I can picture deep water and a package containing my sin, sinking deeper and deeper. As tension grows within me, I can appreciate what God has done for me on a level I wouldn’t be able to consider, otherwise.

God promises us that in his compassion and love, He’ll hurl our sins into the sea. Why do we go diving, trying to bring them back up? God has buried them; drowned them at sea. Leave them there.  Micah 7:19

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