
Evil is Interesting

1138)  There’s just something that is intriguing about evil and it surrounds us. Mass shootings and outrageous behaviors fill our newsfeeds. There are up-close documentaries about heinous crimes that become obsessions with people. Historic world events are filled with evil that people never tire of exploring.

Why do people find evil so interesting? It’s somewhat of a mystery to me, but God knows it’s not a suitable subject to focus on. Why?

From a sociological standpoint, we have the tendency to pick up thought patterns and behaviors of those we spend a lot of time with, even if these visits are only in our minds.

A minor example of this is that studies show we pick up the vocabulary and accents of people we are around regularly. Even on this smaller scale, it can remind us we should choose carefully the company we keep.

The Psalmist admonishes us to love God and hate evil. Sometimes we need to focus on the ultimate good in order to realize how terrible evil is. Psalm 91:10

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