1133) Crying is a natural coping mechanism that helps the body release powerful emotions, good and bad. Some people are ashamed of their tears, probably because tears are an outward sign of what some may call a weakness. But, crying isn’t a weakness, rather just an effect of what is churning within ourselves.
When your small child comes crying into the house, how do you respond? It would be natural to go straight to the child to assess what happened, clean up any wounds, and comfort them.
Because of the world we live in, there are some who might ignore the child, belittle their wound and withhold comfort, but this would not be the response of most.
The Bible tells us God is always listening, hearing our cries and then saving us. This salvation may come in different ways. Sometimes God uses other people to help us in our distress. Other times, he may use his word or the words of an author who meets our needs. Sometimes God brings us comfort through music.
Whenever we cry out to God, he will hear and save us. You can count on it. Psalm 55:16-17