1074) I have been rereading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis this summer. Among many other thought-provoking issues, Lewis discusses sexual immorality and states that it is an obsession and fascination that is out of balance. Think about how much sex is used to sell things; it has marketing power that many have tapped in to.
When a person partners with sexual immorality, Paul knew that this is unhealthy. Why? Because it can often feel good, leaving those involved with the incorrect idea that “this” is what is needed and missing in their lives. The problem is that sexual immorality is like cotton candy; it may taste good at first, but beyond that, it serves no good purposes. In fact, it can destroy the holiness of the gift of physical love God gave his children.
Who makes the better partner? The one that is good at giving temporary gratification or the one that is truly gratifying? Ephesians 5:3-7.