1008) One of my gifts is storytelling. I believe I inherited this from my grandfather. I can “set the scene”, build suspense and keep others engaged in it. This comes in handy as a Bible and English teacher. My students often ask me to tell them one of my stories. I imagine some of them do this because they consider it “wasting” class time in something they are more interested in than comma usage. Because of this gift, I often wrap up a basic truth or life lesson within a good story.
Paul also knew the value of storytelling. He reminds us in Romans 15:4 that the events of the Old Testament and even the Gospels are important because they wrap the truths of God’s words within stories. One of my Bible college professors used to say that the “stories” of the Bible were one side of a coin and the “teaching”–such as Paul’s books are the other. These principles of God are illustrated in the “stories” of the Bible.
Everyone loves a good story. Don’t skip them, thinking they really aren’t the “meat” that Christians need to live by.