998) I am like most teachers; I spend a lot of my money on my students and things I use in class. I think I would be shocked to know the total amount I have spent over the past 36 years (and counting). I’m more than happy to do this, but there are a few times when this happiness was dampened.
From time to time, I have passed out treats to the kids and one will say; I don’t like that. Do you have anything else? When this happens, it is so difficult to graciously respond to their ingratitude rather than chewing the kid’s head off. As I read Romans 9:20-21, I discover I have done this very thing with God.
When I question the gifts (or lack thereof) God gave me, I am guilty of ingratitude. When I am not content with the home, life, health, and work-related things God brought my way, I am ungrateful. Many times, when God gives me a gift, I ultimately reject it because of ingratitude.
Why would I reject a gift from a good God? The answer to this question can reveal a lot.