973) We live in times when truth is frequently distorted. If you have what many call a “personal truth,” that’s all that matters. What is true for you is true for you and what is true for me is true for me, even when they contradict each other. For many, there is no consideration that these “truths” may not be, in fact, true. This way of seeing the world can be especially dangerous in spiritual matters, and Paul knows this.
In Acts 20:25-31. Paul warns the early Christians that they need to be vigilant and, on their guard, (vs. 31) as there are many “wolves” (vs. 29) who are looking to distort the truth of God’s salvation. Why? Because he knew there are not versions of the truth. In fact, Jesus calls himself the Truth (John 14:6) and he specifies that the truth of salvation is that no one can enter heaven except by asking God to give you salvation because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. There is no other version of the truth.