957) Have you ever had someone stick up for you when no one else seems to know, care, or understand you? It’s happened a few times in my life and recently when it did, it was one of the most beautiful things I’ve experienced. When the pain was so great, someone came along and said, This shouldn’t have happened to you. The tears of relief and comfort flowed.
As moving as this person’s actions on my behalf was, did you know God does this very thing for us regularly? How do I know? Let’s check out Acts 9:1-5. The author of this book reminds us that a man named Saul was doing everything he could to persecute any follower of Jesus. His goal was to destroy anyone committed to Christianity, but then he has an encounter with Jesus.
Jesus’ words were, Why are you persecuting me? Wait! Saul was persecuting Christians, not Jesus, and yet, Jesus said it was the same thing. If you mess with them, you’re messin’ with me.
This is a clear picture of what’s going on behind the scenes that we don’t consider often enough. Any time someone mistreats us, lies about us, degrades us, vilifies us, Jesus says that they have done it to him. This is an amazing and beautiful thing if you’ll embrace it. Even though we rarely hear a voice stating this as Saul did doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Hold tight to this reality by faith. It is a powerful and restorative thing.