
God is . . . What?

915) As I read the passage In Luke 11:14-28, something jumped off the screen in these verses that I never considered and I’d like to share it with you.

In these verses, Jesus drove a demon out of a man and then the religious leaders say that it was by Beelzebub’s (Satan’s) power that he did this. Jesus then says the familiar verses that refer to a house divided will never stand and I nodded when reading this.

But then…. I thought of all the times that I have questioned God about things. This questioning usually is packaged within one word: “Why?” What I am really questioning is, “God, are you good?” I accuse God, thinking, “You allowed this situation, you can’t have my best interests in mind.” The bottom line is I’m really thinking, “God, you can’t be good because this happened.”

If God is not good in any given situation, then he has “bad” within him. This cannot be possible because a house divided against itself… Honestly, after thinking through these things, I hung my head. My thoughts sound a lot like these religious leaders of Jesus’ day. It is my prayer that I keep front in center in my mind that God is good and he is not, nor ever will be, anything but good. Period.

God is….. good!

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