
Who is Blind?

905) There is more than one type of blindness, according to the Bible. You can be blind physically but also socially and spiritually, too.

In Luke 6:37-42 there is a verse that is often incorrectly used. It says in the first part of verse 37, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged.” This judging is not referring to the times we must determine whether a behavior is right or wrong. If so, then those with authority, even legal authority, would be guilty of this. Instead, the word for judge here in Luke is a Greek word, κρίνω or krinó which means to separate. It means that I have put myself in the place of God and I separate who is righteous from who is not.

Why is this judging so bad? Because how can we know for sure what another’s spiritual relationship with God is? Yes, you can identify a tree by its fruit, but there are so many things we are blind to. We cannot discern the motives of another. That’s why these verses in Luke 6 reveal that we need to spend our time evaluating ourselves (the speck of sawdust in another’s eye versus the plank in our own).

We are indeed blind to many things concerning other people and we need to keep this in mind when we think we can, indeed, see.

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