
The Most Unlikely

903) I have written for many years and I have found it amazing that there are things I have composed, that I didn’t think were particularly insightful, that have resonated with readers. Because of this, I put my writing out there because I do not determine what God will use; he does.

In Luke 5: 27-32, we see another illustration of God taking what is not “likely” to be used to speak to people. Here, Jesus goes to Levi’s house, a man who was a tax collector, the lowest of lowlifes that existed in his day. Luke reveals that Jesus socialized with many tax collectors and sinners and enjoys their company, meeting them right where they are. Even though his actions open a door of communication with those who may not have been reachable any other way, the religious leaders criticize Jesus for doing this. This criticism does not change what Jesus did because he knew God loves to work through the “most unlikely” means to bring about spiritual change.

What are some things you do, you might consider “most unlikely”? Do them.

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