

900) Have you ever noticed that the people we feel drawn to are often those who have specific things in common with us? They might value a healthy lifestyle or a reckless one. They may root for the same team or that other one. It’s just natural to be drawn to others who share similar values or the lack of them.

Considering this, I find Luke 4:31-37 interesting. Jesus is in Capernaum and comes face to face with a man who was possessed by a demon. This passage tells us that the demon calls out to Jesus and identifies who Jesus is, “the holy one of God.”

Jesus immediately tells the demon to be quiet. Why? After all, this demon is telling others who Jesus really is. Wouldn’t that be a good thing? I don’t think so. Jesus does not want to have any association with the demonic world, even if those members “advertise” for him. He knew the importance of being choosy when forming friendships or associations.

Perhaps we ought to give this some consideration, too.

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