
The Dignity of Choice

899) Imagine that you have just moved to a new state. You decide to take the bull by its horns and you barge in everywhere, telling people who you are, what you can do and why you’re someone they should respect. How would this go over? Not too good, huh?

What if God barged into places with an attitude like I just described? How would people receive him?

It’s interesting to me that the God of all the universe, the Creator of all, does not approach us in this manner. Why? Because if he did, he’d cause more damage than good.

In Luke 4:14-30, Jesus visits the synagogue where he grew up. He calmly and with purpose reveals he is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy; that he is the Messiah. Jesus tells them of his divine purpose and nothing more. The people there do not accept this, so Jesus leaves. He would not force himself onto people. He gave them the dignity of choice.

Perhaps we should model how we share our values and beliefs with other similarly. It’s not that we don’t speak of what we value and believe; rather, it’s what we do considering others’ response. Give the dignity of choice.

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