
I know How You Feel

890) Sometimes, perhaps without realizing it, we insult others in their sorrows and grief. We may say to them, with all good intentions,” I know how you feel.” Maybe you have also dealt with cancer. Maybe you have also lost a job or your dignity. Maybe you have suffered from poor choices but it is not possible for us to know how another is feeling. This is because they have a unique life; unique situations, a unique set of friends and enemies, and a unique way of seeing the world.

In Mark 14:32-34, Jesus takes Peter, James and John to the Garden of Gethsemane and he speaks to these men before he goes off by himself to pray. He says,” My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.” I wonder if these three men also think,  I know how he feels. The pain of this world has also overwhelmed me. I have wanted to die because it’s so bad. If they had these thoughts, they would be wrong.

The only One who knows how we feel is God. He knows how we feel when we deal with disease–Jesus wept at Lazarus’ tomb. He knows how it feels to be undignified–Jesus deals with the woman caught in adultery, saying, “Neither do I condemn you.” He knows the poor choices we make–David caught in adultery. God understands it all.

Since this is true, wouldn’t it make sense to go to the One who understands rather than to a person who cannot know? Go! The God of all the universe is ready to “sit with you” in your pain. He knows how you feel!

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