
Read the Signs

888) My husband teaches in a high school where he works with students in welding, residential construction, wiring, lobster trap making and more. I wonder how he does it so well because I know that my younger students have difficulties following directions.

Out of need (and probably frustration), my husband has a sign he has hanging from the door frame that takes his students from the shop to his classroom. This sign simply says, “Close the door.” Having his classroom door left open repeatedly allows the sawdust to creep in and coat all things in his classroom. He’ll come home with “that look” on his face and I will know that it is, in part, that his students continue to ignore his sign.

Mark 13 tells us of many signs that God has “hung up” for us to read and take note. These signs purpose is to let humanity know that “The Final Chapter of this Life is Coming Soon.” One sign specifically reads, “Watch for a false representative of Me.” Another reads, “There will be wars and threats of wars.” Still another will read, “Earthquakes and famines will strike,” and more.

Do not be like a high school student and ignore the signs or, worse yet, see them, but think it doesn’t apply to you. Read the signs.

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