
Prayer Considered

884) I must confess that I have hesitated in writing about the topic of praying for specific things. I think it’s because sometimes I ask God for something and He grants it and there are other times (and it seems like many to me) when I ask God, and He answers no or, “worse yet,” seems silent.

As I have thought about this, I discover God yearns for us to ask Him things, to speak up about anything that is on our minds, even specific requests. We see this in Mark 10:46-52 when a blind man asked Jesus to heal him and Jesus does.

In considering this further, I wonder if my real quandary is not really God’s answer to me, but I am questioning if God is good–when He doesn’t respond in the way I want.

If He is good, He will always do what is in my best interests. Sometimes that means He gives me what I ask for and other times, He doesn’t.

At no time does God tell us not to come to Him for anything and we can relax in knowing that God will always do what is best for us.

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