
The Unpredictable

Page 186 – The Bottle House

After a bit, Chaplain Miller shifted on the bench. “There is comfort in the predictable, but life has a way of interjecting some very unpredictable events.”

Stefan nodded, saying nothing.

“When the unpredictable happens, we can feel completely out of control. That’s a horrible feeling.” The chaplain looked up as the two women called to the children on the swings, telling them it was time to leave. “But there is something else that can happen when the predictable is turned upside down. Just as a person can feel out of control, he can also think God has lost control of the circumstance. For some, they begin to imagine God as a weakling.” Again, Chaplain Miller paused while Stefan stared off in the distance, thinking.

“What’s even more scary is when the unpredictable happens and a person concludes that God does have control and chooses not to act. Depending on your view of the unpredictable things of life, that can be a very difficult thing for people to deal with.”

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