
Go To the Source

870) When someone has ticked us off or wronged us, it’s easy to vent to others, declaring how wrongly we’ve been treated. Most of us like it when we have someone stand beside us and assure us that this thing shouldn’t have happened.

In Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus describes a better way to handle the wrongs that we have received. He says that when a brother or sister in Christ does something against us; we are to go to them first and see if that will mend that problem. If it doesn’t, then we are to take two more with us to confront the person and if that doesn’t work, wipe your hands of them, sort-of-speak.

It’s clear in these verses that Jesus was referring to people who are fellow believers, but I think it’s a good practice all around. If you have a problem with someone, go to the source first. That is often the best way.

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