
The Movement of Time

833) Time is a funny thing. Think back to your childhood and remember how long the school year seemed. What about the day of Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Did it seem like time moved slowly? Now, as adults, time seems to pick up more speed as each year passes.

This quick passing of time as adults can sometime make us frustrated with God. How? Because God doesn’t move on our timetable. In Daniel 4, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that Daniel interprets, predicting that the king will be punished by God but eventually restored to his position. The thing I noticed about this chapter is that this “event” does not happen to the king until 12 months later. I wonder if the king thought what God promised would not happen?

How many times have we looked at a promise of God and thought, He isn’t doing what He promised? The simple answer is that God will always do as He promises; it just may not be on our own timetable.

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