
Out to Get You

832) Unfortunately, there are people out there who are out to get you. If you’re enjoying a time in your life when this isn’t happening, rejoice, but be prepared. It will happen eventually.

In Daniel 3, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had some fierce enemies. Evidently, these men lead such devout lives, it was making others look bad. These “enemies” of God’s people tattled on Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego and get what they sought–making trouble for these men with the King.

Because there were men out to get God’s three men, they had to endure the wrath of the king, a darkening of their good names and, ultimately, face a literal fire that could have led to a painful death. As most know, not only did God spare these men, He stood in the fire with them.

There will always be people that are out to get you. This does not show that you are a bad person; Jesus had many people out to get Him. This chapter of the Bible is a good reminder that when people are out to get you, God knows about it and will show you how to respond when they do.

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