
A Test

831) Sometimes in this life, we are tested. These tests come from multiple sources. They may be the test of loyalty, integrity, self-control or more. These situations call for choices to be made. Some choices are harder to make and carry out than others.

In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that disturbed him. He somehow knew it was not an ordinary dream. His “wise” counsel could not tell him what his dream was and what it meant, so, in anger, he gives the order for the execution of these men. With little time to think, Daniel is met with a test that if he fails, he will die. He makes the choice of trusting that his life is in God’s hands and he steps forward and tells the king he will do the task. We don’t know if he thought maybe God would tell him about the king’s dream or not. All we know is that he steps forward in faith and God reveals the dream and its meaning.

Does God always answer or respond in this way today when we are faced with such a test? I don’t know the answer to this. I do know that we often have circumstances that test us and we must choose how we will “answer” each one. Not to choose is a choice.

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