
Human Chameleons

821) I live in an area in our country that has a lot of wildlife. It’s amazing how many members of the animal kingdom have such wonderful camouflage. They show up in different habitats and change to suit the area. Chameleons, from a different part of our country, are another example of creatures that change color to protect themselves from threats.

I think it’s also important to consider that people, too, have an ability to change or, arguably, adapt to his or her surroundings. Proverbs 22:24-25 warns that if you spend a lot of time with a hot-tempered person, it is very easy to “adapt” or decide to behave in the same way. The prudent will consider who they spend a lot of time with because they know they have a tendency to become human chameleons.

We do have the tendency to become like those we spend time with so we should chose our companions wisely.

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