
The Justification Trap

808) Years ago, I can remember someone describing something a family member did that hurt my friend financially. As I and another listened, I realized this action would have long-reaching consequences for her. My friend finished her venting with, “How could a family member do this?” and the other person present thought a moment and said, “People can act in this manner because they have justified it.” Though what he stated changed nothing, what he said has stuck in my mind.

Whenever we do things we know to be wrong, we often justify it in our hearts and minds. We may not even be aware that we are doing this. Proverbs 20:23 tells us that God does not like this and I had to ask myself why? Not only can our choices separate us from God and the one we have mistreated, it will harm us in multiple ways in the long run. Justification is a trap, one that we set and then get caught in.

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