
Words of Importance

786) One thing that drives my husband and I crazy is that our local weatherman will use the term, “as well” as many as 6 times or more in a brief weather forecast. For me, as a writer, I cringe hearing these words over and over because they mean nothing. Repeated words, however, can illustrate something of importance solely through emphasis.

In the NIV version of Proverbs, the word, wisdom, is used 31 times, and yet, there is another word that is used just as much. Adultery is used 32 times. When a writer uses specific words multiple times, perhaps we need to inspect them. Perhaps the writer of Proverbs is trying to remind the reader that without wisdom, there are many paths a person can walk down, such as the path of adultery, that may not have materialized otherwise.

We need wisdom in our day-to-day lives. It is a huge word of importance.

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