
A Good Neighbor Is . . .

785) One of my favorite classic TV shows is Andy Griffith. I realize that the TV world doesn’t always reflect reality, but there’s something endearing about that show. We see a town whose inhabitants work together and share of themselves. They help where needed and know when someone is sick so they can take a meal or two over. It’s not that I think that these sort of people don’t exist, it’s just becoming rarer.

Proverbs 3:27-30 tells us what being a good neighbor is like. A good neighbor will treat another with goodness. This person helps when needed, not when it’s convenient for them. Being a good neighbor is being honest; someone you can depend on. A good neighbor doesn’t spread gossip and when there is conflict, he tries to work through it.

If we had more people behaving this way, our “neighborhoods” would have a waiting list for future tenants.

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