
Help Comes in Different Forms

777) I cannot speak for you, but when I lift my prayers to God, I have specific ideas of how I want Him to answer me. When I ask Him for specific things, I look to see Him provide it in the timing and manner that I have imagined. The problem with this is that God will answer my prayers in whatever way and time is in my best interests. That’s a hard one to swallow!

An example of this is found in Psalm 46:1. Here David said that God is an “ever present help in trouble.” The problem for me is, when I ask for help from God, I usually want Him just to take care of the problem and take it off my hands. Unfortunately, God rarely does this; He often wants us to have a role in the help we ask for and not be a passive observer.

Help comes in different forms. May we be willing to be thankful for it even when it comes packaged in a way we do not expect.

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