
The Line in the Sand

776) For as long as I can remember, I have disliked seeing others in pain. When there would be a fight break out at the high school where I used to teach, many would run toward it, clearly wanting to see and “root on” the conflict. Not me. I would run the other way. Does this sound admirable? I used to think so, but whenever someone mistreats me, I never want them to get in trouble. Even when it’s at my expense. I am suggesting this can often be a bad thing.

In Psalm 40:14, David asks God to act against those who have treated him in a bad way. What? Yes, David does! I have somehow created the idea that drawing the line in the sand is an ungodly thing. In this Psalm and many others, David clearly knew that there were certain things, or lines, others have crossed over concerning him and that “enough is enough.”

My challenge to you is, identify what lines in the sand you need to have and guard them because people treat you the way you allow them to.

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