
God’s Resume

773) Consider that you are someone who employs several people. What if you had someone apply for a job at your place of business who was loving, truly cared about you, your business, your work ethic and coworkers? What if this same person had a reputation for being faithful? When you ask him/her to do something, you know it will be done. When they say they are committed to your firm, there is no doubt in your mind based on what you see.  How about if this person always does what is right? This person is committed to justice. He/she does not put a thumb on the scale in his/her own favor. This person is good to others and even animals. With all these characteristics, would you hire this person?

Psalm 36:5-9 tells us that God has all the above characteristics and demonstrates these things constantly. Would it surprise you that there are those out there who would turn these characteristics down? You’d have to be pretty dense to do this as an employer but, perhaps it could happen if this person never read God’s résumé. Just think of what you would miss out of by neglecting to read and respond to God qualifications for being at the helm of your life.

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