
A Sheep Song

764) Sheep, like many other animals of their size, are vulnerable to predators. They cannot run as fast as a gazelle, so a natural enemy, wolves, coyotes and mountain lions, can successfully kill them for food.

In Bible times, sheep were valuable. Their wool was used to make clothing, they were eaten and certain ones were used in sacrifices to God. Because of these things, shepherds were regularly on duty, watching over them for safety. A shepherd would not hesitate to kill an enemy immediately so that their charges were safe.

In Psalm 28:9, David sings to God, asking Him to be his people’s shepherd. David knew sheep were vulnerable and did not assume he could take care of himself and his people on his own. Not only did David know God was his shepherd, Jesus later states in John 10:11 that He is the “good shepherd.” David knew he needed to trust God with his life; that he depended on the Good Shepherd and that, despite how circumstances looked, God was always watching over him. He’s watching over you, too.

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