
Which Hand is It?

755) When I was a kid, my siblings and I would play a game we titled, “Which hand is it?” The one who was “it” took a small object, put his or her hands behind their back and moved the object back and forth between hands. Then, “it” would bring his or her hands to the front of their body with fits closed as if each one held the object and then said, “Which hand is it?”

As I read Psalm 10, I pictured this game. On one hand, David described how many around him act. They hunt down the weak (vs. 2), boast and blesses the greedy (vs. 3). They sneer at their enemies (vs. 5), are arrogant (vs. 6) and their mouths are full of curses, lies and threats (vs. 7). They murder the innocent (vs. 8), mistreat the helpless (vs. 9) and shows no mercy (vs. 10).

On the other hand, God will rule forever (vs. 16), He hears the cries of the afflicted and encourages (vs 17). God defends the fatherless and oppressed (vs 18)

If we were to play, which hand is it? Which of the above hands would you choose? It seems logical that everyone would choose the hand that holds God’s promises, and yet when we cannot take God at His word and trust Him, isn’t that the same as choosing the first hand? Which hand do you choose?

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