
How to Help a Struggling Friend

749) There’s nothing worse than seeing a loved one or a friend struggle, especially at the point of despair. Some try to sympathize and say, “I have been through things that are bad too, so I know how you feel.” Do you really? Have you been in that person’s skin, with their history, weaknesses, hurts, and health? The honest answer is, no, I have not, so saying these words does not help. What does?

Job 2:11-13 tells of the best way to help with many of the difficult things that our friends and family face and that is, they wept with Job, they grieved along with him and they said nothing to him. Saying nothing is helpful? Yes, sometimes that’s the best thing to do.

What can help much of the time is to say nothing to the one in a crisis. Sitting with one who suffers is very important and soothing. It lets the sufferer know he/she is not alone. There are so many things in this life that we cannot fix, so sitting with someone contributes a lot. That person will know you aren’t trying to minimize their pain by saying you know how they feel. Job’s friends (at least at first) just sat with him in his suffering. That was the best way they helped their friend when he was struggling.

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