
Indirect Blame

748) There are so many ways to deflect blame away from ourselves. We know that life in this world holds many bad things and when these things happen, we can cast blame in many directions. One way is subtle. When something wonderful has happened we might say, “So and so happened. God is good.” But we can mean that God is good when things are going our way, but when things go wrong, we may not say, God is good. This implies that He’s not good when things don’t go our way and we indirectly blame Him for them.

God recognizes this subtle blaming because we see in Job 1 that even after Job lost his oxen, donkeys, servants, sheep, camels, sons, and daughters, Job praised God. (verse 21) and then it’s pointed out that Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

The good news is, God knows our motives. He knows when we are questioning Him without our placing blame on Him. The bad news is, God knows our motives, so He knows when we are blaming Him, even when we don’t.

The blame game isn’t good and does not solve the problem.

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