
Faith and Miracles

731) My childhood was saturated with God and His word. Sunday school, Bible classes and VBS were all highlights of my early years. As I grew into adolescents, I experienced cynicism in reading about some of my heroes of the Bible. My thinking was, It’s no wonder they had faith in God, they saw miracles and some were even in-person witnesses to Jesus’ life. These ideas continued until I read 1 Kings 19:1-3.

In context, these verses come after a major victory Elijah had over the prophets of Baal and, ultimately, King Ahab but in a few short verses, when Elijah hears that Queen Jezebel has sworn to kill him, he runs for his life, terrified. God did not destroy Elijah’s enemies and now one of them was trying to destroy him.

Where did the man of boldness for God gone? His fears took over his heart. Why? I think Margaret Graham said it best, “Faith for a miracle is easier to come by than trusting the Lord when no miracle happens.”

Seeing isn’t always believing, and faith comes from hearing God’s words (2 Corinthians 5:17). Perhaps those that saw with their eyes need faith just as much as we do.

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