
A Mother’s Love

724) The other day, my husband was riding his dirt bike “up country” as they call places such as the “unorganized territories” here in Maine. As he came around a curve, he came face to face with a mother bear and her three cubs. Any prudent person who has the misfortune of coming between the bear and her cubs can count on a fight. Fortunately for my husband, his dirt bike could “out run” the mother bear.

The depths of a mother’s love are found in 1 Kings 3. Two women came to King Solomon and said that they both had babies and one was accidentally smothered during the night. Both these women claimed that the surviving baby was theirs. King Solomon makes his famous ruling of, “cut the baby in two and each of you will have half.” The true mother’s love for her child was so deep, she offers that her son be given to the lying woman, and, ultimately, Solomon acknowledges that this sacrificial woman was the real mother.

Mothers are so important for the teaching and nurturing of their children. Are mothers perfect? Of course not, but they have a vital role in her children’s lives. A mother’s love is powerful!

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