
The Blame Game

714) Anyone that has taught children, whether in school, Sunday school or at home knows that when you ask them if they did something wrong, the natural response is, “but so-and-so or this-or that did or was responsible for it.” It’s called the “Blame Game,” and kids are not the only ones who do this. Adults do, too.

Despite this, we see someone in 2 Samuel 12:13 who clearly was in the wrong in multiple ways. King David, when confronted with his bad choices, never plays this blame game. He didn’t say she shouldn’t have been bathing where others could see her or multiple other excuses. Instead, David basically said, “I did it. It was wrong, and I have sinned against God.”

It’s interesting (and humbling) that God refers to David as having a heart like His. (1 Samuel 13:14). Perhaps this is because David sought to make things right between him and his creator, as God provided a way to make things right between people and him. Regardless of the exact meaning of this verse, we know that David never blamed someone else. He took responsibility for his wrong actions and made himself right with God again.

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