
Small Things Can Become Big Things

709) When I was 16, I had the wonderful experience of going on a summer trip with Teen Missions, International. I went to an amazing place, Gibraltar, on the southern coast of Spain. This trip was an evangelistic opportunity and one thing we did regularly is perform biblical puppet shows for kids. We trained for this while at bootcamp in Florida and took what we learned and used it the summer of 1981.

Fast forward to 2018. Who would have thought that I would work with 6th graders doing everything for a major puppet production? Because I had the idea of how puppets work, how they are made and what good they can do to communicate stories, for three years (so far) my students and I have put together a spectacular event; one they will always remember. We wrote the script, made the puppets and scenery, recorded the shows and performed them for amazed audiences, including the local television station who came to cover the show. Are these puppet shows biblical? No. But they make a huge connection between me and my students that may open doors for them, spiritually, that may not have been opened otherwise.

I say all of this because in 2 Samuel 5:1-2, David becomes king and in verse two it says that “You (David) will shepherd my people Israel, and you will be their ruler.” David was prepared for God’s future purpose, being king when he did the “small” job of being a shepherd when he was young. God can and will use all that we have experienced for His purposes if you are open to them. What is your small thing that can become a big thing?

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