
The Most Unlikely

705) Have you ever faced a situation when you know God is asking you to do something you weren’t sure you could do? I felt that way when I sensed God had something to say specifically to those who think that He has abandoned them. I did not know God was planning to communicate how He feels about the horrible things that happen on this earth by having me write a novel about it. Though I have written for many years, I had no clue of how to write an entire book. How do I think of the characters? What should their needs be? How do I get the novel ready to publish? How do I find a traditional publisher that will go out on a limb for a new author?

There’s good news about the things God asks us to do. No matter how unlikely, build an ark; feed the 5,000; challenge the prophets of Baal in a sacrificial showdown; write a novel, God always helps His children do what He asks. I think it’s also worthy to point out that in asking the most unlikely people to do a specific thing, it’s clear that this person did not accomplish it on his own power.

In 1 Samuel 16:1-13, God chooses the most unlikely to become King Saul’s replacement. The one chosen, only important enough to take care of sheep (which was a menial job) was a boy, and yet, David was God’s choice. What could God be asking you, who may be the most unlikely for the task? For me, it was to write the novel, The Bottle House (due to come out this fall). Dare to listen to what God wants you to do, even if you are the most unlikely to be asked and then sit up and say,” I’ll do this with God’s help.”

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