
When God Asks His People to do Something Unusual

688) Because I am a visual learner, I imagine myself in events I read about. This often enables me to see, hear, taste, touch and even smell historical events. We can find one such event in Joshua 6. Here you will find the record of the battle the Israelites have against Jericho.

Reflecting on the Israelites being commanded to walk around the city of Jericho once a day and then 7 times on the 7th day, I’ve wondered what it felt like each time they walked around it. Did the Israelites think these commands a strange thing? Were they worried about what their enemies thought? Did anyone within their hearts think, This is ridiculous? These questions cannot be answered because the 6th chapter of Joshua does not reveal it; I can only speculate what might have gone through my mind. Sometimes God asks His people to do things that, on the human level, can seem unusual. It’s times like these that we need to focus on what we know about God. He is trustworthy. He commands us to do things that are in our best interests, no matter what it feels like. It’s because of these things that faith is so important.

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