
Biting Circumstances

683) I heard someone say once, “No one ever gets away with anything.” and my first reaction was, “That’s not true.” Since then, I have been thinking about this and I’ve concluded that his statement is correct. These consequences may be in the form of a punishment, a breakdown in a relationship, hurt feelings, and many more things.

In Numbers 21:4-9, we see a deadly consequence for the children of Israel, who are still moaning and complaining about their circumstances. We read here that God was not happy with their complaining, so He sent poisonous snakes and many were bitten and died. It was then that the people came to Moses saying they were sorry for their words and actions and there are two interesting things that God does or doesn’t do that are worth noting.

God gives Moses instructions to make a bronze snake and put it on a pole. If anyone looked at this, they were healed. What God does not do is take away the snakes. My thinking on this is, we have to live with the consequences of what we do (or don’t do), even when God forgives and heals. Wouldn’t it be better if we just do what God wants us to do?

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