
Resentment Unleashed

681) Resentment forms when you have the idea that you have been treated unfairly. You become the judge and you evaluate situations, determining which ones have treated you fairly and which haven’t. What can become a real problem with this evaluation is that you rarely have all the facts, and it’s therefore easy to jump to conclusions that should not have been factored into it.

I have found myself in just these same circumstances. I am treated a specific way; I make an erroneous conclusion and therefore, resent the people involved. Resentment does not make the situation better, and it takes its toll on us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

In Numbers 16, we find a man named Korah who resents Moses and the circumstances he finds himself in. He groups up with others who have similar resentments and they bring their complaints to Moses and ultimately God. God is not pleased with this and through Moses He figuratively draws a line in the sand. That day, Korah and his followers are swallowed up in the ground, a testimony to all that resentment is not a good thing and can lead to death. Is resentment killing you?

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