673) Life is often difficult. We may have demands placed on us we know immediately we cannot meet. What if those in authority over us gave these demands and informed us that the repercussions of not meeting them are death? Our response might be to rebel, to ignore, to hide or to confront the one who is demanding. If all the 10 Commandments found in Exodus 20 exist to be enforced, many would react in the same way. Yes, these commandments are there to inform us of boundaries and choices God gave us and, yes, the punishment of not keeping them is death. How is this fair? That God knows we cannot keep these laws and yet He expects we keep them is cruel. These ideas are ones that those who are not God’s children may use to reject Christianity and it’s understandable. However, these laws exist to show us that no matter how hard we try, we cannot keep them. Are we doomed? No! There is One, Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem, Who kept these laws and yet, He willingly let the leaders of His day put Him to death. Besides this, the amazing thing is that God will accept Jesus’ death in place of ours. We only need to ask. This is grace.