
Worship in Difficulties

672) The events recorded in Exodus 17:8-16 are unusual and, as a child in Sunday school, I could not understand them. As long as Moses held up his hands, Joshua and his army were victorious over one of their enemies, the Amalekites. If Moses lowered them, Joshua’s army lost men and a foothold. I did not understand why it was necessary for Moses to raise his hands until I read verses 15-16.

These verses reveal Moses built an altar there because he wanted everyone to remember that it was in lifting his hands to heaven toward the throne of the Lord, that God sent deliverance.

It’s easy to worship and praise God when things are going well, but when we choose to worship despite the difficulties and dangers, it is a pleasing sacrifice to God. We sacrifice the desire to grumble, complain, or to question the circumstances. Doing these things that are difficult is what makes the sacrifice so sweet.

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