
The Gift of Music

669) I have been fortunate to have had many years of work singing with a professional voice instructor who also is a Christian. When I watched him at work, the glow of worship and praise radiates from his face. Music/singing involves all of the senses and it is possible to sing using everything within you.

Considering this, I smile in understanding when Moses and the Israelites sing their praises in Exodus 15. They saw God parting the sea and delivering them from the Egyptians. They heard the sounds of the approaching enemies and then the whoosh of the Red Sea settling back in its bed. They could smell the scent of the waters they had just come out of. Their feet touched the land on the other side of the river, safe from their enemies, and they tasted the sweat that trickled down their faces in fear and then relief. This is when they sang their praises to God.

Music is a gift and will also exist in the next life. Sing something to Him. He loves it!

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