
Seeing Isn’t Always Believing

667) When I was a child in Sunday school, I often thought that if I saw the miraculous things that God did in the Bible, I would whole-heartedly believe everything God said or did. I even went to the point of thinking, “Well, no wonder so and so believed. I would too if I saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the grave” or any other miracle recorded in the Bible. This thinking is faulty, however, and there is evidence of this found in Exodus 7:14-24.

When God sent the first plague on the Pharaoh, turning the water into blood, it would get my attention and I’m thinking it did with most in that day. However, Pharaoh’s “magicians” somehow imitated this event, and this probably shook some who were moved by the first of God’s actions against Egypt.

Seeing isn’t always believing, and this is clear in our digital age. Much of what we see and experience can be manipulated to make the impossible possible. Faith is believing what God says. It is not dependent on images or imitations. Moses and the Israelites had to use this same faith during this dark period of history. Why? Because seeing isn’t always believing.

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