
Deception is Never a Good Thing

656) I have a quote book where for many years, I have written things I want to remember. One such quote is, A liar better have a good memory. Deception is becoming a common thing in society. In fact, our specific words for lying have developed into: a little white lie, a fib, a falsehood. It really doesn’t matter how you dress it up, a lie is a lie and deception is never a good thing. Yes, there can be arguments that telling the whole truth isn’t always kind but deception is a bad thing, a sin.

Jacob, with the help of his mother, Rebekah, deceived Isaac and steals the birthright and blessing, all the rights of the family, property and more from his twin brother Esau. Yes, Jacob was successful in the material sense, but he paid for it. He was constantly on the run because Esau vowed to kill him. He has very few moments of rest after choosing to be deceptive.

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