
What’s God Waiting For?

648) From the day that God told Noah to build an ark until the flood arrived was 120 years. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt 430 years before God delivered them. Forty years passed until God brought His people into the Promised Land. It was thousands of years before Jesus was born and when will He return in the end??? What was/is God waiting for in all of these?  2 Peter 3:9 answers this question. God is waiting because He wants to redeem everyone; He doesn’t want any to perish before they have a chance to turn to Him. This is good news but sometimes it can be difficult news. I have been thankful that I have not been the one to dole out forgiveness and redemption. I would not be anywhere close to giving the grace to others that God offers to anyone who comes to Him. What’s God waiting for? Could it be you?

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