
In a Little While

647) Remember as a child when Christmas Eve seemed like a week while waiting for the morning? Time seemed so slow. Aging has made time pass quickly but God has told us again and again that this life is but a “blip” on the eternity timeline. This is hard for our human minds to grasp. In fact, 1 Peter 5:10 says that the suffering of this life will only last a little while. Again, there’s our timeframe getting in the way. It takes faith to trust God and keep putting one step in front of the other when the suffering strengthens. You don’t have to be carefree in your heart nor do you need to knuckle under and endure alone. God is there with you through everything and in a little while, those that are His children will enter into the next life; one that will have no more suffering. Hang on – for a little while.

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