
Who Do You Turn To?

637) We are admonished to come to God boldly in Hebrews 4:16 but we can overlook the words that come next in our English translations but beforeit in the Greek. This word is, throne. The word, throne, represents power and authority. I picture a child turning to a friend and asking if he can go to a sleep-over that night. The friend does not have the authority to grant permission but a parent does.

As the creator, God has the authority to do anything He wishes. This verse in Hebrews reminds us of some of these things. He has the power to give grace (giving blessings that are not deserved) and mercy (not giving punishment when deserved).  Why would we turn to anything or anyone which/who does not have the authority to grant these things? Wouldn’t it be better to go to the One Who can do this and more for us?

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