
No Barriers

627) The school where I teach sits on a curve on a state road. Lobster fishermen rushing to their boats, trap makers wanting to get to their jobs so they can eventually go home and impatient parents trying to get their kids to school occupy this road. As I drive home from school at the end of my workday, there is another curve on this same road that is bordered with tall hedges of dark green leaves. I always approach this area with caution because these barriers make it difficult to navigate the road. If those barriers weren’t there, my drive home would be safer. Romans 8:38-39 describe barriers that people often have, such as, difficulties of life, death, good, bad, fears, or imbalance of power; they can sit inside us, blocking us from safety. We see in Romans that God has removed these barriers and welcomes anyone to come to Him for safety. Travel on…because there are no barriers.

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